Read time: 2 mins
This post is a test page to make sure my conversion from org mode to html is working.
This is a top-level heading!!
This is a second-level heading
This is a third-level heading
Fourth level
Fifth level
Sixth level
Seventh level
Html export
Fourth Level
Look mah, it's html pandoc didn't have to parse!
- Unordered list item 1
- Unordered list item 2
- Nested unordered list item 1
- Nested unordered list item 2
- Another unordered list item
- Ordered list item 1
- Ordered list item 2
- Nested ordered list item 1
- Nested ordered list item 2
- Another ordered list item
One flat list
- A
- B
- C
- D
Text Formatting
Italic text Bold text underlined
text verbatim text
text code text
code text in list item
- External link: Example Website
- Internal link: Text Formatting section
This is an example of a footnote1.
File image link relative to the org file
This will not render in the browser.
File image link relative to the output html
This should render in the browser.
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 |
Source Code Blocks
def hello_world():
print("Hello, world!")
A Really Wide Source code block
let exampleLongLine = "This is a very long line of code in JavaScript that might be harder to read on mobile screens due to its length and the fact that it does not contain any breaks or spaces that would naturally wrap the line.";
This is a blockquote.
- Author Name
Other Structure Templates
I'm some center text
I'm some example text
I'm some src text
I'm some verse text
Horizontal Rule
LaTeX Equations
Inline equation: E = mc2
Display equation: $$ \frac{1}{(\sqrt{\phi \sqrt{5}}-ϕ) e^{\frac{2}{5} \pi}} = 1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-4\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-6\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-8\pi}} {1+\cdots} } } } $$
TODO Items
Schedule and Deadline
SCHEDULED: <2023-04-29 Sat>
This is the footnote text.↩︎